FreedomFest began with a simple idea in the late 1970’s to bring the community together to celebrate the birth of our great nation. Goreville native, local business owner and then Ruritan Club President Mike Walker help set the foundation for what today has become a favorite celebration for Gorevillians and attracts more than 3,000 visitors each year from throughout the United States.
Goreville hosts a full day of activities ending with several ka-booms!
The 4th of July in Goreville kicks off with our Gospel Show, our Home Town Parade, After the Parade, Goreville’s City Park hosts our evening venues, which includes a free concert, food vendors, local businesses and much more. Freedom Fest ends with one of the largest Fireworks display in Southern Illinois. Check out the full list of Event’s here!
Goreville Freedom Fest is Family Friendly and Fun for all ages. We’ll see you here!


At the Park